Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day - an annual event

Raw Milk Cheese Appreciation Day has become a much loved annual event world-wide.  Oldways Cheese Coalition have coordinated celebrations around the world to promote traditional cheeses since 2015.

A day to celebrate with turophiles (cheese-lovers) around the world. 

Raw milk cheeses are unique in flavour, history, and carry on traditional cheesemaking practices. Producers who make them are passionate about craftsmanship and animal husbandry. Their cheeses represent years, even decades, of knowledge and thoughtful innovation to better their products. 
By joining in celebration. You recognise Raw Milk Cheeses as part of our collective culinary heritage and the work of artisans. Here is the perfect opportunity to try a new cheese, visit a farm, engage with a producer or cheesemonger, and even write your elected officials to encourage them to protect and promote artisanal producers. 
Look for our signs in store near you and thank them for supporting artisan cheesemaking. To find a celebration near you check out our listings. 

Participating stores:

Contact these Australian stores to find out more about RMCAD celebrations or click here for a world-wide list:

Australian Raw Milk Cheeses:

Remember to ask for Australian produced raw milk cheeses too. Since April 2015 it is now legal to produce and sell in Australia but the industry is struggling to take off.  Ask for these brands to support Australian raw milk cheeses:


Bruny Island Cheese's C2

Udder Delights' King Saul Raw Blue Cheese

Hindmarsh Valley Dairy's Emme Swiss style raw milk cheese

Woodside Cheese Wrights' The Kid


It is very challenging for raw milk cheesemakers to produce the product here in Australia due to tricky Food Safety Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) regulations.  Supporting Australian raw milk cheese will help our industry grow.  It's been two years since the lift of the ban and the number of raw milk cheese producers are still only about a handful in number. Show your support by telling your friends too.