Raw Milk Australia

A campaign for the continued availability of safe, unadulterated raw milk in Australia.

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Health & Research

Microbes live in and on many terrains. They are everywhere. However, according to a May 2020 article, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) reported a 50% rise of food contamination cases in Australia by microbes leading to product recalls in 2019.

What is happening in the supply chain, in the processing plants, and more importantly, in the soil or terrain in which these foods are grown? Where are the beneficial microbes that traditionally live in abundant numbers, and crowd out the pathogens? What is happening to the beneficial microbes? Are they being killed off by sterilisation, UV, or agrochemicals with antibiotic properties? Pathogens are everywhere, but beneficial microbes in large numbers keep many pathogens, and their activities in check. When beneficial microbes are removed from terrains, research show that opportunistic microbes rush in and take over. In general: when the terrain is healthy, the food product will be healthy. Food safety standards, healthy soil, and beneficial microbes are surprisingly intertwined, and has an impact on the food safety of raw drinking milk as well. Below is a variety of articles that fall under this category.


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