Home Farm in Elwick

Brothers Andrew and Henry Sturrock started to sell raw drinking milk in August 2016 from the raw milk vending machine direct to the public.

The farm was one of the first in the area to diversify with the DF Italia vending machine supplying raw, unpasteurised milk to the community. He bought the machine after seeing a story on the BBC's Countryfile about Suffolk Fen Farm Dairy, who was the distributor for the vending machine at the time (the story is not available for view in Australia). Another reason why Andrew decided to diversify is because of the low farm gate prices paid for milk. According to

this article, Home Farm is also within close proximity to the village of Hartlepool being just off the A19, and the cows can be seen from the road grazing in the field. The 150-cow herd is milk twice daily, is filtered and chilled to three degrees and then it’s put into the vending machine every night.

Andrew said that the reaction from customers have been very positive. People love the taste and keep coming back. Customers have a choice between glass and plastic in one or two litre bottles. They simply put their money in and push a button to fill up. They are the only vendors of raw milk in the Teeside and Country Durham area. Watch the TeesideLive story below:

Posted on August 25, 2017 and filed under raw dairy farms examples, Raw Milk.